If you search for “self care essentials” on any platform, you will notice that most of the results focus on one thing: products.
Whether it’s face masks, green powders, sleep masks or spa day baskets, there’s no shortage of products targeting our ever-growing interest in self care.
While it is important to care for the physical body, there’s so much more to self care than bubble baths and massages.
True self-care is about creating resilience, joy and balance within ourselves.
It’s about addressing our needs holistically.
So, in this article, I’m sharing 10 overlooked yet essential self care principles that can truly transform your life as you practice them.
Note: this post contains some affiliate links and I earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) if you use them to make a purchase.
1. Guard Your Energy (Not Just Your Time)

Modern life is busy. As a result many women search for productivity and time management strategies to bring more balance into their lives.
But what if the real power lies in managing your energy instead?
You’ve probably heard the phrase “where you place your attention is where you place your energy.”
Now, ask yourself “where am I putting my energy? And is it worth it?”
When I talk about energy, I’m not just referring to your physical energy, but also your emotional energy.
For example, if a significant portion of your day is spent feeling:
- Guilt
- Regret
- Shame
- Resentment…
…is it worth it?
My guess is that you’re probably paying a high price for it (which might be reflected in the state of your physical or mental health).
In addition, when it comes to your daily to-do list, is most of your energy going to things that don’t fulfill you at all?
If so, it’s worth re-evaluating your to-do.
Instead of trying to manage your time – just so you can do more things that drain you – why not see what you delegate or simply say “no” to (I know we all have responsibilities, so this isn’t always feasible).
Taking this approach means you’re making self-care a regular part of your life (not just something you “do” at a specific time).
In addition, it feeds your soul and prevents burnout.
2. Practice Cycle Syncing
If you’ve ever found yourself powering through the days when you’re on your period, just like you would any other day, this one’s for you.
Cycle syncing involves aligning your schedule, activities and self-care practices with the phases of your menstrual cycle.
The basic idea is that there are times during the cycle where we tend to be more introspective, and times when we tend to be more outgoing.
For example:
- When you’re menstruating, your body is doing a lot of work. This is often a good time to ease up on intense exercise and instead, do more gentle activities.
- Menstruation is also a time when we benefit from going inward and tuning in to our inner voice (fresh, creative ideas often pop up during this time. This aligns with what the body is doing as it is literally shedding the old and preparing for the new!).
- After your period, you’ll typically be more energized and that is a great time to get back into intense activities (both physically and mentally).
Embracing these natural cycles allows you to work with your body.
It’s like swimming downstream (with the current) instead of swimming upstream (against the current).
Life becomes much more enjoyable and easeful.
3. Declutter Your Living Space

The purpose of de-cluttering isn’t just about having a tidy home. It’s about creating space for what truly matters.
When you say goodbye to objects that no longer serve you, you’re actually making room to receive more:
- Peace
- Clarity
- Positive energy
If the idea of de-cluttering feels overwhelming, start with a small area. Maybe a desk or a nightstand.
Then notice how it feels to have a clear, organized space.
Gradually expand your de-cluttering process to other parts of your home.
The more open and expansive your outer space is, the more you also start to feel more open and expansive on the inside.
4. Work Toward Financial Wellness
Besides health, personal finance is a top contributor to stress.
Unfortunately, a lot of self care advice doesn’t acknowledge this.
But for many women, money is the elephant in the room.
So, let’s just take a moment now to acknowledge that your financial well-being is important for your well-being.
Now, how to improve your personal finances isn’t something we can address within a single blog post.
But what I will suggest is that you start thinking about ways in which you can turn things around.
For example, I’ve been writing online for over a decade.
I’ve done it for this blog and for other entrepreneurs/businesses.
I didn’t receive any special training to be a writer. I just had a desire to do it and I started looking for ways to do it online.
Also, educate yourself about personal finance and what it really takes to be financially free.
One book that was eye-opening for me is Money, Master The Game by Tony Robbins.
It provides incredible insight into what it means to build wealth (and the secret isn’t to “work harder.”)
5. Honor Your Personal Energy Cycles
Beyond the menstrual cycle, we all have our daily and seasonal energy cycles.
For example, some people thrive in the morning, while others get “in the zone” in the evening.
It’s important to honor these daily energy patterns and align them as much as possible with how you schedule your day.
In addition, pay attention to the seasons too.
For instance, it’s common to feel more energetic and social in the warmer months, and more introspective during fall and winter.
Allow yourself to adjust your routines, social engagements and self-care practices to align with all of these fluctuations.
6. Ask for Help
Many women struggle with asking for help.
We think we have to be “strong.”
However, being “strong” – by modern society’s definition – will drain the life out of you, kill your joy and probably kill you early.
Also, the term “self care” can give the wrong impression, that you have to care for yourself.
But it’s important to think of your life like a business (sometimes!).
Businesses have employees because it’s impossible for one person to do it all.
So, as much as you can, take the same approach with your life by:
- Hiring a cleaner for your home.
- Hiring someone to organize that playroom that you keep saying you’ll get to.
- Ordering healthy meals from a meal delivery service.Or hire a local chef (you don’t necessarily need a celebrity’s bank account to pay for a local chef).
- Joining a local group of other women (and men) in your area who might be open to swapping services. You’ll be surprised how much of a support system you can build if you just ask.
7. Cultivate A Playful Spirit

Adulting is hard. We tend to sweat everything (especially the small stuff!).
We say things like “self care is hard,” which then makes it really hard.
A missing ingredient in a lot of self care is play. Not just relaxation, but play!
Play is a vital part of a balanced mind, body and life.
When we lose our sense of playfulness, life becomes monotonous and stressful.
So, look for ways to bring play into your life.
This could mean:
- Dancing
- Painting
- Learning to make gorgeous flower arrangements
- Watching I Love Lucy or Golden Girls reruns
- Joining a local theater group
- Attending a belly dancing class
The point with this is that there’s no goal you’re trying to achieve.
Just do the thing because your heart wants to do the thing 😀
8. Create A Sacred Space
Whether it’s a dedicated space for meditation, journaling, or sipping tea, having a sacred space in your home can do wonders for your well-being.
It’s a space where you can retreat, recharge and reconnect with yourself.
And it doesn’t have to be a whole room. It could be just a corner in a room, backyard or balcony.
Wherever it is, it’s a nook that you can look at and immediately feel a sense of peace.
To make it count, personalize the area space with items that bring you joy and/or lift you in some way. This could be:
- Plants
- Artwork
- Crystals
- Candles
- Treasured books
- Treasured photographs
9. Explore Sensory Experiences
When was the last time you really tuned in to your five senses?
Most of us don’t. We take those senses for granted.
We don’t realize that our senses are the bridge between our spiritual self and physical self.
Without the senses, we spiritual beings would have no way of experiencing the physical!
So, whether it’s through aromatherapy, a warm bath, or simply savoring a meal without distractions, sensory experiences can be incredibly powerful for reconnecting with yourself.
Explore this concept by setting aside some time to:
- Listen to a favorite album from start to finish (no skips and no other distractions).
- Diffuse one essential oil that you really like and just notice how the scent evolves as the minutes go by.
- Find a piece of fabric that you really like and notice how it feels on your hands, on your forearms, against your face. Just feel.
- Eat a food you really like with no distractions (no music, TV, conversations). Savor every bite. Observe the textures, smells and flavors mindfully.
- Sit in nature or in front of a painting you admire. Just take in the sights (and sounds, if you’re in nature).
10. Set Boundaries Without Guilt
Even though setting boundaries is essential for protecting our energy, it’s not easy to do.
As I’ve come to realize, many of us will spend years in therapy trying to learn that “no” is a complete sentence (meanwhile, if we observe a 2-year old, it’s clear that they’ve mastered that concept😀).
If you’re not accustomed to setting boundaries, it definitely takes practice.
So approach it gently, with lots of self-compassion and grace.
Also, remind yourself that boundaries are a form of self-respect. That’s why they’re important for self care.
As you practice the art of setting boundaries, start with small things.
This will give you the courage to set boundaries for those bigger things in your life.
Self-care goes beyond surface-level practices; it’s about tuning into your deepest needs and creating a life that supports your well-being holistically.
By incorporating these overlooked self-care essentials, you will build a foundation for long-term wellness.
Remember, self-care is just about moment to moment choices.
Be gentle with yourself as you explore and integrate these tips into your daily life.

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