how to eliminate estrogen dominance naturally fruits nuts legumes
The right balance of whole foods and supplements will help you regulate your estrogen levels naturally.

In a previous post we looked at the top 10 causes and symptoms of estrogen dominance. Now, it’s time to take things to the next level by diving into how to eliminate estrogen dominance naturally.

All of the tips in this post focus mainly on diet and lifestyle because they are the fastest way to lower estrogen naturally.

By the end of this post you will have actionable steps that you can take when it comes to:

  • supplements
  • essential oils
  • foods
  • stress management
  • personal care and beauty products

Note: this post contains some affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you use them.


If you’ve already done testing to confirm that your estrogen levels are high, you can skip this section.

However, if you have some symptoms of high estrogen, but you’re not sure whether you’re officially estrogen dominant, then this section is for you.

The most basic way to test for estrogen dominance is to check the 3 types of estrogen:

  • estrone (E1)
  • estradiol (E2)
  • estriol (E3)

A blood test, urine test or an at-home saliva test can be used for this.

This basic testing gives you an overview of where each estrogen sits.

However, since estrogen dominance occurs when estrogen and progesterone ratios are out of balance, it’s a good idea to do a progesterone test as well.

Doing an estrogen and progesterone test gives you a more accurate, holistic picture of where your hormones sit.

Note: Aside from the above, some doctors may also check other hormones (like cortisol and DHEA) and liver enzymes. It all depends on your symptoms, the doctor and how much you advocate for yourself.


1. Consider Taking A Supplement For Estrogen Metabolism

If your body cannot properly metabolize (i.e. process and eliminate) estrogen, then that could be contributing to excess estrogen in your body.

In this case, a supplement can be helpful.

When looking at supplements, it’s important to know that there are 3 phases (chemical processes) of estrogen metabolism:

  • Phases 1 and 2 occur in the liver. So, you need nutrients and compounds that support each phase and also support liver function. The compound, DIM (which is abundant in cruciferous vegetables) has been shown to be helpful for supporting Phase 1. As for Phase 2, the amino acid, NAC, along with foods like broccoli sprouts are known to be helpful.
  • Phase 3 happens in the gut. If the gut isn’t healthy, then it’s possible for the estrogen to be reabsorbed into circulation. Prebiotic-rich foods, like jerusalem artichoke, can be beneficial.

You can easily find many of the above as individual supplements.

However, to avoid having to take lots of separate capsules, you can check out the all-in-one supplement EstroControl from the brand Happy Mammoth (enter code HAPPYYOU076057 for $10 off).

It contains the compounds listed above, along with liver-friendly herbs like milk thistle.

2. Increase Your Consumption of Cruciferous Vegetables

reverse estrogen dominance naturally

Cruciferous veggies are a great source of sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates.

Glucosinolates are very beneficial for supporting the liver’s detoxification work (a MUST for getting rid of any excess estrogen and other hormone disruptors).

To help lower your estrogen levels, add the following cruciferous veggies to add your diet:

  • kale
  • broccoli
  • cabbage
  • arugula
  • bok choy
  • brussel sprouts
  • cauliflower
  • collard greens
  • horseradish
  • mustard greens
  • watercress
  • turnips
  • radishes
  • rutabaga

Now, as I mentioned in the previous point, DIM (the main ingredient in the supplement listed above) is also found in cruciferous veggies.

So, do you need a DIM supplement and cruciferous veggies?

My personal opinion is that cruciferous veggies are a better choice (since they contain tons of other nutrients and other antioxidants than just a DIM supplement).

If you decide to use both, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor, dietitian or nutritionist to ensure that you’re not overdoing it.

3. Support Your Body With Essential Oils for Estrogen Dominance

Some essential oils may help to lower your estrogen levels because they provide relief from the physical and emotional effects of excess estrogen.

The power of essential oils for estrogen dominance lies in the fact that they affect pathways in the body that are related to stress and relaxation.

So, in the same way that meditation or journaling can reduce stress, essential oils can also trigger a sense of relaxation in the brain.

Ultimately, that sense of relaxation affects pathways that are responsible for hormone regulation.

Not bad for just a few drops of oil, right? 🙂 

Another benefit of using essential oils for estrogen dominance is that they support detoxification.

For estrogen dominance, choose from these essential oils:

  • Lemon essential oil
  • Grapefruit essential oil
  • Vitex essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Clary sage essential oil
  • Bergamot essential oil
  • Ylang ylang essential oil

For details on how to use these oils safely and effectively, read this post on essential oils for estrogen dominance.

4. Support Your Liver’s Detox Powers with Whole Foods and Herbs

reverse estrogen dominance naturally with dandelion tincture
Dandelion provides natural support for the liver.

Your liver has the heavy task of filtering your blood and cleaning out 100% of the junk that is messing with your hormones.

So, in order to reverse estrogen dominance symptoms, it’s important to show your liver some TLC with foods like:

  • healthy fats (such as avocados, raw nuts and seeds, and so on)
  • beets
  • berries (such as blueberries, raspberries, goji berries and strawberries).
  • green tea
  • garlic
  • apples
  • cruciferous veggies

In addition, don’t forget to use herbs for your liver.

In particular, you want to focus on bitter herbs because bitter compounds trigger the production and flow of bile (which is an important substance for transporting toxins – and excess hormones – out of the body).

Not only can you cook with bitter herbs (such as dandelion and artichokes), but you can take them in a convenient supplement formula.

To get started, here’s a liver tincture that combines popular liver herbs like dandelion and milk thistle, with lesser known (but still powerful) ones like schisandra, oregon grape root and artichoke leaf.

5. Maintain A Healthy Gut

Since gut bacteria play a role in the production and elimination of estrogen, it’s important to include gut-friendly foods in your estrogen dominance diet.

A great place to start is with fermented foods and drinks. Here are a few to try:

  • Sauerkraut (and other fermented veggies)
  • Kefir
  • Kombucha
  • Yogurt (organic dairy or coconut yogurt)
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Fermented soy foods (see the next section below)

For more gut health tips, check out this post on gut health and hormone balance.

6. Be Mindful of Xenoestrogens and Other Hormone Disruptors

As we saw at the beginning of this article, there are various ways in which we are unknowingly exposed to estrogen.

So, when it comes to eliminating estrogen dominance naturally, incorporate as many of the following suggestions as you can:

  • For feminine care products like pads and tampons, make the switch to brands that use organic cotton. Two brands that I use and enjoy are Cora and Natracare.
  • Eat more wild-caught fish instead of farmed fish.
  • Add more organic produce into your diet. If budget is a concern, start by following the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists. These lists are released every year and they show the 15 foods that are lowest in pesticides (you can buy these in non-organic form) and the 12 that contain the most pesticides (you’re better off buying these in organic form).
  • Use a water filter such as the Zero Water filter (my personal go-to for the past 4 years!) to remove toxins.
  • Since the estrogen in soy can be problematic for some women, try eating more fermented forms of soy: natto, miso, tempeh and Tamari sauce (fermented soy sauce). 
  • Explore non-pill forms of birth control, such as condoms, the diaphragm, or fertility awareness methods.

7. Make Time to De-Stress, Decompress and Recharge

Whether it’s going for a walk, journaling, watching a funny movie, meditating, brunch with friends…make time for the things that de-stress, decompress and recharge you.

By doing this, you are better equipped – physically, emotionally and mentally – to face the various forms of stress that you’re exposed to.

Ultimately, this keeps your cortisol levels low, which prevents disruption of estrogen (and your other sex hormones) as we saw earlier in this article.

Not sure where to start with de-stressing?

Try these self care tips for hormone balance.

how to eliminate estrogen dominance naturally diet supplement tips
how to eliminate estrogen dominance naturally and confidently


Now that we’ve covered all the basics of how to eliminate estrogen dominance naturally, it’s time to put it all into action!

To help you get started, I’ve put together a comprehensive post that walks you through what you need for a hormone balancing diet.

You get a breakdown of foods and drinks to add to your diet, herbs and you can get the whole guide as a downloadable PDF.

For more details, visit this post on how to put together a hormone balance diet plan.


In summary, the key to getting rid of estrogen dominance naturally is to:

  • take supplements that help you metabolize estrogen.
  • eat foods that flush out excess estrogen.
  • use essential oils that reduce estrogen.
  • add liver-friendly foods and herbs to your diet.
  • boost gut health.
  • reduce exposure to hormone disruptors.
  • manage stress as best you can.

I hope this post and the free diet plan help you to kickstart your transformation!

Related Content:

Essential Oils for Estrogen Dominance: What To Use and How To Use

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance: Top Causes And How To Find Balance

3 Supplements For Female Hormonal Imbalance (you probably don’t know about)

How To Use Adaptogens for Estrogen Dominance Relief

Low Carb Diets and Hormones: What You Probably Don’t Know