beets and hormone balance - beetroot sitting on cutting board

Did you know there’s a strong link between beets and hormone balance?

Not only are beets full of antioxidants and fiber, but they’re also amazing for supporting liver detoxification (an essential ingredient in the natural hormone balance formula).

So, whether you’re a fan of beets or not, this post shows you why you should consider adding this healing food to your hormone balance diet 

By the end of this post you will learn:

  • The main benefits of beets for your hormones.
  • How to use beets to balance your hormones naturally.
  • A quick and easy way to supplement your diet with beet powder.

Note: this post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you use them.


1. Fights Inflammation

Whether we’re talking weight gain, PMS, hot flashes, hair loss or sleep disturbances, inflammation is the root cause of all hormonal imbalance symptoms.

The main sources of inflammation for most of us are emotional stress and chemical stress.

In the case of chemical stress, the main culprits are processed foods, nutrient deficiencies within our bodies and food toxins.

As it turns out, studies in both rats and humans show that beets are very effective at reducing oxidative stress and inflammatory markers.

And, the best thing about these results is that it applies to beet supplements, as well as cooked or raw beets (1, 2).

2. May Regulate Blood Sugar and Support Weight Loss

Beets are rich in antioxidants and one of the most important antioxidants in beets happens to be ALA (alpha lipoic acid).

ALA not only fights inflammation, but it is also considered a natural diabetes treatment that can improve insulin sensitivity (source).

Many hormonal imbalances such as weight gain, fatigue and PCOS have an insulin component to them.

So, adding beets to your hormone balance diet is one way of addressing the root cause of weight gain as well as other symptoms.

3. Supports The Liver and Detoxification

The liver is one of the most important organs when it comes to hormone health.

This is mainly due to the fact that the liver is responsible for eliminating excess estrogen, as well as other hormone-disrupting compounds from the body.

Basically, without a healthy liver, it’s impossible to fully resolve hormonal imbalance symptoms. 

And this is where beets come in.

You see, beets contain B-vitamins, iron, calcium and a variety of antioxidants that are all essential for optimum liver function (source).

Beets also contain a compound called betaine that helps the liver get rid of toxins.

In addition, betaine helps the liver with another important job: break down fats. 

So, by assisting with the breakdown of fat, beets reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver.

Ultimately, this allows the liver to work more efficiently (source).

benefits of beets for hormone balance - beet slices

4. Supports The Immune System

The immune system is tightly linked to our hormones.

This means that when the immune system is overworked (from infections, toxins or lack of immune-boosting nutrients) this uses up more nutrients in the body.

As the immune system uses more nutrients, there are less nutrients available for hormone production.

End result? An endless number of hormonal imbalances can start to pop up.

Thankfully, because beets contain immune-friendly nutrients like vitamin C and copper, that help restore balance within the body (source).

5. May Help Support Healthy Progesterone and Estrogen Levels

If you struggle with estrogen dominance and/or you are on the pill, then beets can provide you with much needed relief.

Here’s why…

Many birth control pills work by disrupting your natural menstrual cycle.

Basically, this means that pills work either:

  • suppressing progesterone production. 
  • suppressing the production of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone), while also producing artificial progesterone (source).

So, no matter how you look at it, pills mess with the natural state of your hormones.

But here’s the good news: vitamin C (one of the main nutrients in beets) can increase progesterone levels and consequently, also improve estrogen dominance symptoms (3, 4).

This is a huge benefit because estrogen dominance can hit us at any age and it comes with symptoms like: 

  • PMS
  • Weight gain
  • Acne
  • Bloating
  • Fertility problems
  • PCOS
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Low sex drive
  • Erratic sleep or insomnia
  • Low energy
  • Mood swings
  • Hair loss

6. Encourages Regular Elimination

Once hormone-disrupting toxins are in your body, the safest way to get rid of them is through your bowel movements.

Generally speaking, you want at least 2 bowel movements per day.

Any less than that (especially if you only go every few days) then you run the risk of accumulating hormone disruptors in your bloodstream and tissues.

One way of becoming more regular is to simply eat more beets.

Beets are loaded with fiber and that fiber binds to waste, so that you can safely eliminate it.

Note: being constipated means hormone disruptors stay in the body longer and they can recirculate into your bloodstream. As those toxins pile up, it can also cause more acne (as the body tries to get rid of all that junk through your pores. This is a far less pleasant option).

7. Relieves PMS

One of the side effects of chronic stress – whether emotional or chemical stress – is that we produce more cortisol.

If our cortisol requirements stay high, we eventually have low levels of progesterone.

Here’s why this happens.

Cortisol and progesterone are made from the same precursor called pregnenolone.

The more cortisol you need, then the less progesterone your body makes (so that it can keep up with cortisol demands).

And since low progesterone can worsen PMS symptoms, you can see how easy it is to get in a vicious PMS cycle, month after month.

The great thing about beets is that they actually help increase progesterone levels.

So, if you struggle with PMS, then it’s a good idea to take advantage of the link between beets and hormone balance. 

A simple way to do this is to add a beet containing smoothie to your diet in the week leading up to your period (see the last section of this post for a tasty beet smoothie bowl recipe you can use!).


how to use beets for natural hormone balance - beet juice

Alrighty, now that we’ve covered the science of beets and hormone balance, let’s get down to the most important part: how to add beets to your hormone balance diet.

As you go through the options below, keep in mind that you don’t have to do all of them.

Go for what works with your lifestyle, schedule and cooking preference.

Even if you don’t like to cook, you can still enjoy the benefits of this superfood!.

Add to Smoothies

Using beets in a hormone balance smoothie is an easy way to get all of its healing properties.

Do keep in mind that you don’t need a lot of beet in smoothies.

About ¼ to ½ of beet is plenty. Above this quantity, your smoothie might taste a little too much like pureed beet (which you may or may not like).

See the last section of this article for my hormone-friendly beet smoothie recipe.

Drink Some Beet Juice

If you’ve never had beet juice, you’re in for a wild ride!

It’s a powerful energy booster and great for waking you up on a slow morning.

If you have a juicer, then I suggest juicing carrots, apples and a little beet.

Or you can also juice spinach, apples and a little beet.

Watch out if you do drink a full glass of nothing but beet juice. It can be a little hard on the stomach.

Include in Salads

Next time you make a salad, cut up some raw beets into cubes or shred them with a grater (the same you’d shed carrots for a salad). 

Quick and easy!

Snack on Beetroot Chips

Do you love to cook and want a healthy snack recipe?

Then try making your own beetroot chips! 

You can find the recipe here.

Ferment Your Own Beets

You already know that beets and hormone balance go hand-in-hand.

And you probably know that fermented foods are rich in gut-friendly probiotics.

Well, it’s time to combine the two by making your own healing, fermented beets. 

Go here for the recipe.


A beet supplement allows you to consume more beet than you would normally be able to eat whole.

In addition, it saves you time from cooking if you have a busy schedule.

Furthermore, a beet supplement gives you another option for experimenting with beets in your diet. Here’s what I mean…

I’ve used fresh beets in smoothies and I’ve used beet powder in smoothies.

Both options add natural sweetness to a smoothie. But the degree of sweetness varies.

However, I enjoy both and like having the ability to bounce back and forth. Keeps my taste buds happy 🙂

To get started with a beet supplement, use this pure, organic beetroot powder

Beetroot powder tastes great well with a wide variety of smoothie blends (which isn’t always the case with fresh beets).

Generally, I use ½ to 1 teaspoon beetroot powder for every 16 ounce glass of smoothie.

Experiment and see what works for you.



½ beet (medium, peeled and diced) 

¾ cup frozen mango

¼ cup frozen raspberries (or strawberries or cherries)

½ cup unsweetened almond milk 

How to Make

  1. Add ingredients to blender and blend on high until smooth.
  2. Transfer to a bowl and top with raw nuts or seeds, more berries or shredded coconut.


Do beets lower estrogen?

Yes, beets can lower estrogen when there is an excess (such as in the case of estrogen dominance). Beets support liver health, making it easier for the liver to filter out excess estrogen.

Are beets good for energy?

Absolutely, beets are great for boosting energy. Beets contain dietary nitrates (not the same as nitrates in processed meats).

The body converts the nitrates into nitric oxide, which is then used for energy production.

In fact, beets are so effective at increasing nitric oxide and energy levels that athletes are known to incorporate beetroot powder into their diet. (5, 6).


Beets are a nutrient-dense, multi-tasking food that you should incorporate into your diet.

As with all natural hormone balance remedies, the secret to seeing results from beets is to be consistent.

Now, this doesn’t mean you have to eat beets during every meal or even eat them every day. Just make room for them a couple of times a week.

When added to other hormone-friendly habits, you will definitely reap the benefits of eating beets for hormone balance.

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beets and hormone balance featured beet hummus
beets and hormone balance infographic