Think canola oil is safe because it’s in lots of “healthy foods?” Think again.

Canola oil is actually one of the most dangerous, over-hyped oils on the market.

In this article we’ll look at 4 reasons why it’s detrimental to women’s health, and hormone health in particular.

We’ll also discuss some healthier alternatives that you can use to get your hormones back to harmony.

stop using canola oil


​Canola oil comes from the rapeseed plant…rapeseed, oh what a name…

Anyway, rapeseed is part of the mustard family and it is high in erucic acid.

Erucic acid is known to cause serious side effects, including delaying the growth and development of children.

In the early ’70s canola oil was created from rapeseed oil as a cheap industrial oil. By the ’90s, it had somehow been re-branded as safe to eat.

This is mainly thanks to the Monsanto Corporation, the super powerful corporation that influences all things related to pesticides, genetically modified food and everything related to commercial farming.

So, as a result of Monsanto’s influence, canola oil went from being an industrial oil to the hottest thing in packaged food.

Pickup any bag of cookies, crackers, salad dressing and what-have-you, and you’re sure to see canola oil in the ingredients.

As popular as canola oil is, there are two main things about it that make it a no-no for our health:

  • Canola oil is a partially hydrogenated oil, aka a trans fat. Trans fats are linked to obesity, cancer, cognitive decline and a host of other chronic illnesses.
  • Approximately 90% of the canola oil on the market is genetically modified (GMO). Genetically modified foods are usually sprayed with tons of toxic pesticides that can cause leaky gut, hormone disruption and inflammation.

In addition, animal studies show a link between GMOs and infertility, accelerated aging, weakened immune system and changes to normal organ function.

As you can see, there’s simply nothing natural about canola.

What’s really scary is that I’ve seen packaged foods labeled as “organic” and they still contain canola oil.

Canola is a cheap oil and that factor seems to be the driving force behind its continued use. So, keep an eye on food labels when you’re grocery shopping.

This stuff is everywhere!


1. Contributes to Kidney and Liver Damage

Studies show that mammals that eat GMOs show significant disruptions in both liver and kidney function.

Since canola oil is genetically modified, it’s logical that it will also damage our liver and kidneys.

This is double trouble for us because the liver is essential for detoxing the body AND making some hormones.

Liver damage basically means toxic buildup and hormone imbalance, all of which adds up to chronic inflammation.

2. Increased Risk of Stroke

Studies done with animals that are prone to strokes show that canola oil shortens blood coagulation times.

The same studies also show that canola makes the membranes of red blood cells more fragile.

These two factors can increase the risk of strokes and it makes canola oil an absolute no-no.

3. Delays Growth of Children

Once upon a time, canola oil was banned from baby formula. But those days are long gone.

Canola is on the FDA’s GRAS list (Generally Regarded As Safe) and it’s also in some brands of baby formula.

Canola oil is now linked to delays in child development and it is particularly damaging to a growing child’s immune system.

This is because a child’s immune system is still developing, and exposure to toxins like canola potentially sets up our kids for a lifetime of chronic illness.

4. Risk of Chronic Conditions

Studies show that GMOs and hydrogenated fats increase the risk of:

  • cancer
  • Inflammation
  • suppressed immune system
  • allergic reactions

Since canola oil is both a GMO and a hydrogenated fat,  it also puts us at risk for all the above conditions.


So at this point it’s pretty clear what we need to do: avoid canola oil!

But what are the best substitutes? Look for oils like:

  • coconut oil
  • olive oil
  • avocado oil
  • palm oil
  • grass-fed butter or ghee

As for packaged food, the law allows manufacturers to label them as containing “no hydrogenated fats” if there is less than 0.5 grams of hydrogenated fat in the food.

So, there may be instances where canola is present but it won’t be listed because it’s within the legal limits.

You may not be able to avoid canola completely, but by reducing your consumption of this toxic oil, you will start to notice improvements in your overall health!

Now I’d like to hear your thoughts…do you use canola oil or is it on your no-no list? If you don’t use it, what are your favorite cooking oils?